Tuesday 3 June 2014

Quick reminder!

On Thursday, June 5th, we will be visiting Mme Farquhar's class "marché aux puces", so if you have some loose change to send along with your child, it would be greatly appreciated. Merci!

Les mots de la dictée: June 2nd to 6th

mois ( month ) 
juin ( June )
soleil ( sun )
jouer ( to play ) 
nager ( to swim ) 

**Technology has been against me as of recent and I can't seem to upload the videos I have taken of our spelling words, I apologize!**

Monday 2 June 2014

At Home Reading - Les trois petits cochons

Our at home reading this week is a script for the play Les trois petits cochons ( The Three Little Pigs ). Each student was randomly assigned a role to practice at home, but please feel free to read other parts of the script as well! We will be making masks, backgrounds, and working on the use of voices, actions, and tableau as we work on these plays throughout the week. Here is a video of Les trois petits cochons that we watched today - ask your child to tell you some of the differences / similarities that we discussed in class!

Les mathématiques à la maison: June 2nd to 6th

Board games

Sometimes students are reluctant to practice their math skills at home, especially when they're tired from a long day or after extra-curriculars. Board games are a great way to spend some quality time together as a family, and masking some valuable math skills with fun! I have posted about Yahtzee on here before, but there are a variety of games that reinforce math concepts as you play ( including Monopoly, Life, and any game that requires the addition of two dice ). This week we have been working on a critical thinking challenge of creating our own board games, which we will show and play with our grade one friends in other classes. Students had to choose a theme that they thought other children would find fun, there needed to be a few challenges to keep the game interesting, and there needed to be a math component ( addition of two dice, skip counting, etc. ). Below are some photos of our works in progress.

Youtube video - Matt le Magnifique, par Sylvia Duckworth

Monday 26 May 2014

Youtube video - Matt le Magnifique, par Sylvia Duckworth

Museum Trip, African Lion Safari and Poetry Share

It's hard to believe that it's the last week of May! This time of year is always busy, so here are a few dates to keep in mind:

Wednesday, May 28th - First trip to the Grimsby Museum. 
We will leave by 9:15am and return at 11:15am. Here's hoping for some more beautiful weather as we are walking!

Friday, May 30th - Poetry Share
Our class has been working so hard at memorizing their poems and adding in actions and different voices, it is so impressive to see! We would love to see you there if you are available. Poems will begin bright and early at 9:00am.

Thursday, June 12th - End of the year trip to African Lion Safari
More information will be coming shortly on this trip, but we have confirmed the date. As of right now we are not sure of the number of volunteers that are needed.

Merci :)

Les mathématiques à la maison: May 26th to 30th


In mathematics, we have started to explore the concept of area. Students selected an area to measure, and whatever tool they wanted to use ( varying from Pokemon cards to popsicle sticks! ). We have discussed the importance of estimating and making logical guesses. If you have a coffee table, desk, tile flooring, etc. ask your child to measure the area with a non-standard unit of measurement that you can find around the house ( coasters, playing cards, to name a few ). Make sure you both estimate ahead of time, see who is the closest! Merci :)

Les mots de la dictée: May 26th to 30th

qui ( who )
que ( that, than )
quoi ( what )
quel ( which, masculine )
quelle ( which, feminine )

Monday 19 May 2014

La poésie: Poetry Share, **Date Changed**

Dear families,

Due to some scheduling conflicts with the other grade one French Immersion classes, we have had to change the date of our poetry share to Friday, May 30th at 9:00am. At the moment, we have booked the library for some extra room, but if any other groups require the library that morning, we will shift to our classroom. I was amazed at how well some of our classmates had already memorized their poems and actions, thank you for the support at home! This week, we will continue to practice our poems in our groups. Merci :)

Les mathématiques à la maison: Dreambox Competition


Mr. Digweed, our vice Principal, has started a school-wide Dreambox competition to encourage student use of the program, both at school and at home. The class with the most logged hours ( the program calculates the time each student has spent playing every time they log in ) will be given an ice cream party to celebrate. If you have access to a compute or iPad, please encourage your child to use Dreambox and help us win that sweet treat! If you are having trouble accessing Dreambox at home, please follow the link that is provided on our Central Public School homepage. Any further issues, please contact me. Merci!


Sunday 11 May 2014

La poésie: Poetry Share, Wednesday, May 21st

On Wednesday, May 21st, the grade one French Immersion classes will be hosting a poetry share ( at a location in our school, yet to be determined ). Students will perform short, rehearsed poems to other students and parents, beginning at 9:00am. Your child will bring home a poem for their at-home reading this week, we will practice correct pronunciation and oral communication skills ( volume, clarity, expression etc. ) in class but please ask your child to read / present their poem to you at home. More information will come later on in the week regarding details of the poetry share, but please keep the date and time in mind as we know our classes would love to perform in front of any parents / grandparents / family members!

Merci :)

Youtube video - Let It Go ( en français )

Enjoy :) 

Les mots de la dictée: May 12th to 16th

achat ( a purchase )
vache ( a cow ) 
tâche ( a chore, a job )
fâché ( angry )
cacher ( to hide )

Saturday 10 May 2014

Le marché aux puces - merci!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful donations and support with our "marché aux puces" last week, it was a great success! Here are a few photos:

1) We took time to label our items, deciding upon appropriate costs.
2) We re-structured our class and laid out our items to sell! All three other grade one French Immersion classes visited and we practiced our oral communication for interaction.
3) After all classes visited, we sorted our coins into groups

 4) We then sorted the coins into groups of $1.00. We had a great discussion of how to make $1.00 with pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
 5) We then added up the coins and the total amount of money we raised. As you can see, we raised more than enough to adopt our polar bear! We will be voting as a class next week about what we want to do with the leftover money - there were some very touching ideas that were put forward, including adopting another animal, donating it to a charity and having a class celebration at the end of the year!

Saturday 3 May 2014

Patrick and Friends - Youtube video

Just a bit of fun - Youtube video

Enjoy the talent of this man, singing the most popular Disney song of the year! 

Les mathématiques: le marché aux puces

On Friday, May 9th our classroom will transform into a "marché aux puces", which translates to flea market! We are going for a cross-curricular afternoon of fun, incorporating mathematics and literacy, focusing on our oral communication, writing, and our application of knowledge of Canadian coins. Our goal is to raise $25 so our class can "adopt" a polar bear, an initiative we decided upon during our Earth Day activities.

Each student will be asked to bring in 5 to 10 small items to class that they are happy to donate. Some items that students have brought in the past:
* McDonalds happy meal toys and other figurines
* bouncy balls, toy cars, old books
* homemade bracelets, crafts, stickers

Each student will be asked to label their item with an appropriate price ( $1 or less, keep this in mind for items to bring in! ). Students from the other grade one classes will be given a chance to come into our class and purchase these items; our students will be asked to make correct change if necessary! If your child could bring in extra change that would be very helpful, but I do have a jar of my own that I am happy to get rid of :)

If you do not have any items that you would like to donate, your child will still participate in the fun as we will have a lemonade stand that they can be in charge of, where they will still be asked to communicate in French and make change.

You can help your child prepare by practicing making change at home, starting with nickels and dimes.

We are looking forward to this fun day, thank you for all your support!

Les mots de la dictée: May 5th to 9th

neuf ( nine, the number )
oeuf ( egg )
coeur ( heart ) 
soeur ( sister ) 
seule ( only )

Sunday 27 April 2014

Les mathématiques à la maison: April 28th to May 2nd

Les mathématiques à la maison


Yahtzee is an easy, fun, family game that allows for some good math practice ( without anyone noticing it! ). You can download these score sheets for free and packets of dice can be found at the dollar store, making it cost effective. Students in grade one will need the support of either an adult or an older sibling to play, but they should be able to recognize the value of the dice, do some of the required addition, and will be introduced to early multiplication concepts ( groups of ). If you are unfamiliar with the game, you can click on the following link from the Hasbro company for a full how to play. Give the game a try, let me know how it went if you do! 

Les mots de la dictée: April 28th to May 2nd

avant ( before )
devant ( in front of )
chante ( je chante - I sing )
chanter ( to sing )

High Frequency Words #4

Can you read these high frequency words out loud before I do? Bonne chance!

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Monday 7 April 2014

High Frequency Words #2 - Can you read them before me?

Can you read these high frequency words out loud before I do? Bonne chance!

Les mathématiques à la maison: April 7th to 11th

Shape Scavenger Hunt

Last week in math, we looked at what we already knew about 2D figures. Our foundation in this strand seems to be quite solid, as most students have no difficulty identifying various 2D shapes. We used the Geoboards to create triangles, squares and rectangles in different designs to try and "hide" them. We then found a partner who's job was to "seek" out the shapes! Today we brought our math journals out to the back field and looked for shapes in our playground, we found many! With nicer weather upon us, go for a walk around your neighbourhood and do a Shape Scavenger Hunt:

- who can find the most squares?
- can you spot a triangle?
- where can you find an octogan?

Les mots de la dictée: April 7th to 11th

et ( and )
es ( are, used with "tu", tu es fantastic = you are fantastic )
est ( is; He / She is, It is )
été ( summer )
à ( at, sometimes used as "to" or "in" )

Monday 31 March 2014

Pajama Day!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is Pajama Day tomorrow at Central!

Today's presentation at our Colour Assembly was fantastic, our class did a great job with their chant. Thank you for all your support at home, it is greatly appreciated :)

High Frequency Words - Can you read them before me?

Bonjour mes amis!

For our at home reading, some students have been given lists of high frequency words ( words that we see often in text ) to practice. Here is a video of 8 words that we read quite often, can you read them before I say them? I will give about 4 seconds in between words, see if you can beat me!

Merci :)

Mlle Toms

Sunday 30 March 2014

Youtube video - La Persévérance par Gregg Lerock

Colour Assembly

Monday, March 31st is our Colour Assembly where our class with present our perseverance chant that we have been practicing for the past couple weeks. Please have your child wear their colour t-shirt for the assembly. Here is a song that fits our character trait for this month perfectly, and it just happens to be a class favourite! Enjoy :)

Les mots de la dictée: March 31st to April 4th

ciel ( the sky ) 
lieu ( place, spot )
chien ( dog )
rien ( nothing )
de rien ( you're welcome )

Sunday 23 March 2014

Les imperméables - Our Raincoat Challenge

To finish off our Structures and Materials unit in Science, students in our class were giving the challenge of selecting an appropriate material and attachment to create a raincoat for a stuffed animal. This was a task that fit well with the focus character trait for this month at Central, perseverance, as many students experienced some frustration when they were constructing their raincoats. The following day, we tested the raincoats to see if they absorbed or repelled water. It was an engaging critical thinking challenge that brought our unit to a close! This week we will move into our Understanding Life Systems strand.

The photos below:
1) Some of materials and attachments that students chose from
2) and 3) Constructing the raincoats
4) Testing!


Les mots de la dictée: March 24th to 28th

bien ( well, properly ) 
mien ( mine ) 
tien ( yours ) 
miel ( honey ) 
mieux ( the best )

Les mathématiques à la maison: March 24th to 28th

Continuing with Money  

Last week in math, we focused on recognizing Canadian coins, their values, and counting groups of the same coin ( 3 nickels, 6 dimes, etc. ). This week we will be looking at making specific amounts of money with various combinations of coins. At home, line up a set of coins like this and ask your child a few questions to help them review what we have learned. Questions could include:

- Where is the quarter?
- Which coin is worth 10 cents?
- Can you organize the coins in a line beginning with the greatest value to the smallest?

Colour Assembly: La persévérance chant

At the end of each month, Central has been having Colour Assemblies, where a few classes come together to perform some type of presentation about the character trait that is of focus for that month. At the end of March, our class, alongside Mme Farquhar's and Mme Stieva's grade one classes, will be presenting a chant that we have created about la persévérance ( perseverance ). We have had a class discussion about what it means to persevere and we have shared times when we were faced with a difficult challenge and did not give up! Below is the chant that we will be performing in front of the school; the second section is the one that our class will be leading. We will be practicing at school and I will send home hard copies as well. Please have your child try and practice our section at home when you have a few minutes to spare. Merci!

Quand je fais une nouvelle chose
qui est difficile à faire.
Je veux arrêter, c'est vrai;
mais je dois persévérer!
Je peux le faire si je le veux!

J'essaie d'attraper mon ballon
mais ça me frappe sur le front.
Mon ballon tombe sur mes pieds.
Je me sens tellement frustré!
N'abandonne pas, n'arrête jamais!

Sur ma nouvelle bicyclette,
j'ai peur que je vais tomber.
Je veux beaucoup pédaler!
Je ne sais pas comment rouler!
Bientôt j'y arriverais!Ouais!

Je veux lire Harry Potter
mais le livre est si long.
Les mots sont nouveaux et grands.
Il n'y a rien que je comprends.
Faire les sons!
Persévérer et je le ferais!

Monday 17 March 2014

J'ai perdu mon chat

The week before March break we did a read aloud titled "J'ai perdu mon chat". The little boy in the story has lost his cat and his friends try to help him find it, going on the description he has given them. His friends keep finding animals that fit the description he has given, but they are not his cat! We looked at vocabulary we were familiar with and vocabulary we were unsure of, sequencing of the events in the story, wrote a missing poster for an animal of our choice, and finally wrote our own version of "Ja'i perdu mon chat"! Our missing posters are hanging proudly in our hallway and the books we created will be sent home to share soon, once we have reviewed the feedback; the stars ( what we did well ) and the steps ( what our next step will be to improve our writing ). Have your child read their story to you when it is sent home!

J'ai perdu mon chat - sequencing activity 

Les mathématiques à la maison: March 17th to 21st


This week we will start looking at Canadian coins and their values. Most students have some experience playing with money or handling it, but not many are aware of the values of each coin. We have used the 100s chart and the base 10 model since September, so counting in groups of 10 and 5 should be something students are comfortable doing. If you have some change around the house, spread it out on a table and sort it into similar groups. Review how much each coin is worth and count by 5s and 10s with nickels and dimes. Quarters tend to pose more problems for younger children, so practice counting by 25s and making $1.00 in change. Merci!

Les mots de la dictée: March 17th to 21st

temps ( time )
champs ( field )
printemps ( spring, the season ) 

Sunday 2 March 2014

Les mathématiques à la maison: March 3rd to 6th

Recently, a few students asked about having a seating change. We decided to turn this suggestion into a math activity, involving some geometry, positional language, the decomposition of 16 ( the number of students we have in our class ) and mapping! Below are some photos of how students planned their  layouts using tiles, and how we came together as a group to look at all of the different classroom setups. Have your child map out their bedroom, including their door, window and pieces of furniture. See if they can re-organize their room ( on paper! ) in a different way. We discussed why the desks in our class couldn't be placed in front of the door, facing a wall, etc. so hopefully they can show the same rationale when planning at home. Enjoy!

Saturday 1 March 2014

La Mer by Charles Trenet

La Mer is a classic song written ( and performed ) by French composer, Charles Trenet. The song was released in 1946. We listened to this song on Friday and tried to pick out instruments and words we recognized, while visualizing ourselves by the sea. It was a big hit! Here is a video of a live performance by Charles Trenet. It is a big different from videos that are normally posted on our blog, but enjoy!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Les mots de la dictée: February 23th to February 28th

bonne ( good, when describing something feminine )
donne ( to give; Je donne = I give )
comme ( like, as )
homme ( man )
pomme ( apple )

Les mathématiques à la maison: February 23rd to 28th

Making Math Stories

Below is an example of how we sometimes begin our math lesson; with a solution! Decomposing numbers is a very important aspect of early numeracy, and it's amazing the way our class can come up with various "problems" to a solution that I give them. I have covered the names of who came up with each idea as this is a blog open to the public, but they vary from two-step problems ( 9 + 8 = 17, 17 - 9 = 8 ) to counting by ones to multiplication. 

A lot of students like to tell a story to go along with the solution. Students came up with some interesting stories about how Singe ( monkey ) got his 8 bananas, which was also great practice for their oral communication. 

The next time you are taking a longer car ride, give your child a solution ( we have been working on numbers less than 20 ) and see if they can tell you a story about the number. Pick an object related to their interests ( 10 Furby's, 6 trains, etc. ) and see if they can break down the number into a "problem."

Youtube video - La Vérité by Gregg Lerock

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Les mots de la dictée: February 18th to 21st

cours ( to run; je cours = I run )
sous ( under, beneath )
jour ( day )
bonjour ( hello )

Monday 17 February 2014

C'est juste! Youtube video by Gregg Lerock

Les mathématiques à la maison: February 18th to 21st

As mentioned in an earlier post, telling time is sometimes a tricky business. This week in class we will continue to count, graph and discuss Canada's medal winnings at the Olympics, and we will also continue on exploring and developing our understanding of time. We are going to keep the clocks we have made in our classroom as we will be using them frequently, but here is a link to a website that shows you how to make your own paper plate clock if you're looking for a craft at home. Enjoy!



What you need:
    1. Paper Plates
    2. Split Pins which are sometimes called paper fasteners or butterfly pins
    3. Pen’s or crayons
    4. Card
    5. Paper numbers (for younger children)
    6. Scissors
How to make 
  1. Cut out the hands from contrasting card, making one longer than the other for the minute hand.
  2. Place the numbers round the clock, this is easier if you to the 12, 3, 6 and 9 first.
  3. Make a small whole in the center of the plate for the hands and use the split pin to secure
Variations – You can use two paper plates like we did to make lift up flats and put the minutes underneath.  Alternatively you can add them to the outer rim of the paper plate and colour the minutes past one colour and the minutes too another colour.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Je suis là pour toi! Youtube video by Gregg Lerock

100th Day of School, Valentine's Day

It is somewhat unbelievable that Monday, February 10th marks 100 school days! To celebrate, the four grade one French Immersion classes will participate in a variety of fun activities that involve the number 100. We will be mixing the students again, much like last week's activities involving Carnaval, which was a great success!

Although Friday, February 14th is an early release day, we will still set aside some time to celebrate Valentine's Day. A few parents have asked about sending a snack to share for the class, and of course you may, but please do not feel obliged. I will send home a class list in case you and your child were planning on writing Valentine's Day cards, and we will hand these out on Friday.

Merci :)

Les mathématiques à la maison: February 10th to 14th

It's Time to Learn How to Tell Time! 

Our next focus in math will be understanding the passage of time, and telling time on both digital and analog clocks. This often proves a difficult task for grade one students, so any support at home is greatly appreciated! You can help support your child by:

- discussing important times of their daily schedule ( what time do you leave the house? what time is their favourite television show? what time do they go to bed? )

- referring to an analog or digital clock at these important times to see what it looks likes

- asking your child to show you a certain time on the paper clocks that we will be making  ( I will send them home at the end of the week after we have used them in class )

 Below is a link to an online game that we have played on our Smartboard as a warm-up activity. It is straightforward and only asks students to tell time on the hour and half past the hour, which we will focus on before moving on to quarter past / quarter to increments. Enjoy!

What time is it? 

Les mots de la dictée: February 10th to 14th

cent ( one hundred, 100 )
dent ( tooth )
vent ( wind )
entre ( between )

Monday 3 February 2014

Je suis capable! Youtube video Gregg Lerock

Montre et Raconte Update

Our students have done a great job presenting their "Montre et Raconte" in front of their classmates. I truly appreciate the time you have spent at home preparing them with clues, and so many en français! 

I will be sending home a new calendar of when each student will have a chance to present something for Show and Tell, but we will be changing the criteria a little bit. We have seen a variety of neat toys and special items, but this time around, we will be focusing on something that relates to your family.

You can take this from any angle that you like; if you would like to highlight family heritage, maybe a flag, a pin, a postcard, a picture, or an ornament ( students in the past have brought in a magnet that said "Ireland", a postcard from Italy that a relative had sent them, a bottle of maple syrup from Northern Ontario, a t-shirt from the Caribbean, homemade scones to share ). 

If you would like to highlight family values, students in the past have brought in board games that they play as a family, a craft that they have created with an older sister, souvenirs from family vacations.

A simple family photo would be something great to share as well! You child could introduce their family members through a picture, and discuss where the photo was taken.

Rather than discussing clues to give the other students, please discuss what this item says about you and your family. It does not need to be of great detail or any longer than the three simple sentences that students were saying for their clues. After discussing in English, ask your child if they can mix in French vocabulary or sentences. Of course, I will work with them to speak in French as they present. Our vocabulary is expanding and I can see confidence building in each classmate as they are given the spotlight for a few minutes :) 

Thank you kindly for all your support and hard work at home!

Mlle Toms

Les mots de la dictée: February 3rd to 7th

cher ( dear, to a male )
chère ( dear, to a female )
mère ( mother ) 
père ( father ) 
adore ( to love, to adore )

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Youtube video: Écoutons la radio - Gregg Larock

Les mathématiques à la maison: January 6th to 10th

Reviewing what we know!

It always takes a day or two for students to mentally come back from the winter holidays ( teachers too! ). This week will be dedicated to reviewing some basic skills and knowledge that we have acquired. We will be doing this through various individual and team challenges.

Find some time either at the dinner table, driving in the car, waiting in a line, to ask some mental math questions:

"There are 6 people in line, including us. If two people were to leave, how many people would be left?"

"How many forks are on the table? How many knives? How many utensils all together?"

6 - 2 = ?

La lecture à la maison: Des images comme des nuages

Images like clouds

I take the books
They go in my head
like clouds

When I close my eyes
They are where I want
like clouds

Les mots de la dictée: December 9th to 13th

j'ai ( I have ) 
mais ( but )
fais ( make; Je fais = I make )
vais ( go; Je vais = I go )
lait ( milk )

Welcome back!

Dear families,

Welcome back to grade one French Immersion! I hope you all had a happy and relaxing winter break, and that you stayed warm! This week has had a slow start with an inclement weather day, but I suppose there's no harm in easing back into it :) Here are a few updates:

Show and Tell: 

To encourage authentic and interesting discussions within our class, we will be starting a scheduled show and tell time during our literacy block. The hope is to encourage our students to communicate for interaction now that we have build a good vocabulary with common phrases. You will receive a calendar where students will be given a few minutes to describe and answer questions about something special that they want to share with the class. Two students will have the spotlight each day - if you happen to forget or accidentally leave the special something at home on the day, we will of course find time to share the next day. I will be helping with French vocabulary, but please discuss with your child what he / she wants to say. They should be able to tell you some simple sentences or describing words in French!

Gregg Larock: 

Myself and our core French teacher at Central have organized a trip to see Gregg Larock, a fantastic French music performer. More information and permission forms will follow shortly, but the date is March 26th and we will be traveling by bus to Hamilton with a grade 6 core French class. We are very excited!

Shoe Boxes: 

If you happen to have any empty shoe boxes around your homes that are just taking up space, feel free to send them to school with your child! We will be building math "toolboxes" as soon as we have rounded up one shoe box for each student.


Mlle Toms