Saturday 10 May 2014

Le marché aux puces - merci!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful donations and support with our "marché aux puces" last week, it was a great success! Here are a few photos:

1) We took time to label our items, deciding upon appropriate costs.
2) We re-structured our class and laid out our items to sell! All three other grade one French Immersion classes visited and we practiced our oral communication for interaction.
3) After all classes visited, we sorted our coins into groups

 4) We then sorted the coins into groups of $1.00. We had a great discussion of how to make $1.00 with pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
 5) We then added up the coins and the total amount of money we raised. As you can see, we raised more than enough to adopt our polar bear! We will be voting as a class next week about what we want to do with the leftover money - there were some very touching ideas that were put forward, including adopting another animal, donating it to a charity and having a class celebration at the end of the year!

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