Saturday 3 May 2014

Les mathématiques: le marché aux puces

On Friday, May 9th our classroom will transform into a "marché aux puces", which translates to flea market! We are going for a cross-curricular afternoon of fun, incorporating mathematics and literacy, focusing on our oral communication, writing, and our application of knowledge of Canadian coins. Our goal is to raise $25 so our class can "adopt" a polar bear, an initiative we decided upon during our Earth Day activities.

Each student will be asked to bring in 5 to 10 small items to class that they are happy to donate. Some items that students have brought in the past:
* McDonalds happy meal toys and other figurines
* bouncy balls, toy cars, old books
* homemade bracelets, crafts, stickers

Each student will be asked to label their item with an appropriate price ( $1 or less, keep this in mind for items to bring in! ). Students from the other grade one classes will be given a chance to come into our class and purchase these items; our students will be asked to make correct change if necessary! If your child could bring in extra change that would be very helpful, but I do have a jar of my own that I am happy to get rid of :)

If you do not have any items that you would like to donate, your child will still participate in the fun as we will have a lemonade stand that they can be in charge of, where they will still be asked to communicate in French and make change.

You can help your child prepare by practicing making change at home, starting with nickels and dimes.

We are looking forward to this fun day, thank you for all your support!

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