Monday 17 February 2014

Les mathématiques à la maison: February 18th to 21st

As mentioned in an earlier post, telling time is sometimes a tricky business. This week in class we will continue to count, graph and discuss Canada's medal winnings at the Olympics, and we will also continue on exploring and developing our understanding of time. We are going to keep the clocks we have made in our classroom as we will be using them frequently, but here is a link to a website that shows you how to make your own paper plate clock if you're looking for a craft at home. Enjoy!


What you need:
    1. Paper Plates
    2. Split Pins which are sometimes called paper fasteners or butterfly pins
    3. Pen’s or crayons
    4. Card
    5. Paper numbers (for younger children)
    6. Scissors
How to make 
  1. Cut out the hands from contrasting card, making one longer than the other for the minute hand.
  2. Place the numbers round the clock, this is easier if you to the 12, 3, 6 and 9 first.
  3. Make a small whole in the center of the plate for the hands and use the split pin to secure
Variations – You can use two paper plates like we did to make lift up flats and put the minutes underneath.  Alternatively you can add them to the outer rim of the paper plate and colour the minutes past one colour and the minutes too another colour.

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