Monday 3 February 2014

Montre et Raconte Update

Our students have done a great job presenting their "Montre et Raconte" in front of their classmates. I truly appreciate the time you have spent at home preparing them with clues, and so many en français! 

I will be sending home a new calendar of when each student will have a chance to present something for Show and Tell, but we will be changing the criteria a little bit. We have seen a variety of neat toys and special items, but this time around, we will be focusing on something that relates to your family.

You can take this from any angle that you like; if you would like to highlight family heritage, maybe a flag, a pin, a postcard, a picture, or an ornament ( students in the past have brought in a magnet that said "Ireland", a postcard from Italy that a relative had sent them, a bottle of maple syrup from Northern Ontario, a t-shirt from the Caribbean, homemade scones to share ). 

If you would like to highlight family values, students in the past have brought in board games that they play as a family, a craft that they have created with an older sister, souvenirs from family vacations.

A simple family photo would be something great to share as well! You child could introduce their family members through a picture, and discuss where the photo was taken.

Rather than discussing clues to give the other students, please discuss what this item says about you and your family. It does not need to be of great detail or any longer than the three simple sentences that students were saying for their clues. After discussing in English, ask your child if they can mix in French vocabulary or sentences. Of course, I will work with them to speak in French as they present. Our vocabulary is expanding and I can see confidence building in each classmate as they are given the spotlight for a few minutes :) 

Thank you kindly for all your support and hard work at home!

Mlle Toms

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