Sunday 9 February 2014

Les mathématiques à la maison: February 10th to 14th

It's Time to Learn How to Tell Time! 

Our next focus in math will be understanding the passage of time, and telling time on both digital and analog clocks. This often proves a difficult task for grade one students, so any support at home is greatly appreciated! You can help support your child by:

- discussing important times of their daily schedule ( what time do you leave the house? what time is their favourite television show? what time do they go to bed? )

- referring to an analog or digital clock at these important times to see what it looks likes

- asking your child to show you a certain time on the paper clocks that we will be making  ( I will send them home at the end of the week after we have used them in class )

 Below is a link to an online game that we have played on our Smartboard as a warm-up activity. It is straightforward and only asks students to tell time on the hour and half past the hour, which we will focus on before moving on to quarter past / quarter to increments. Enjoy!

What time is it?

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