Monday 17 March 2014

J'ai perdu mon chat

The week before March break we did a read aloud titled "J'ai perdu mon chat". The little boy in the story has lost his cat and his friends try to help him find it, going on the description he has given them. His friends keep finding animals that fit the description he has given, but they are not his cat! We looked at vocabulary we were familiar with and vocabulary we were unsure of, sequencing of the events in the story, wrote a missing poster for an animal of our choice, and finally wrote our own version of "Ja'i perdu mon chat"! Our missing posters are hanging proudly in our hallway and the books we created will be sent home to share soon, once we have reviewed the feedback; the stars ( what we did well ) and the steps ( what our next step will be to improve our writing ). Have your child read their story to you when it is sent home!

J'ai perdu mon chat - sequencing activity 

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