Sunday 23 March 2014

Colour Assembly: La persévérance chant

At the end of each month, Central has been having Colour Assemblies, where a few classes come together to perform some type of presentation about the character trait that is of focus for that month. At the end of March, our class, alongside Mme Farquhar's and Mme Stieva's grade one classes, will be presenting a chant that we have created about la persévérance ( perseverance ). We have had a class discussion about what it means to persevere and we have shared times when we were faced with a difficult challenge and did not give up! Below is the chant that we will be performing in front of the school; the second section is the one that our class will be leading. We will be practicing at school and I will send home hard copies as well. Please have your child try and practice our section at home when you have a few minutes to spare. Merci!

Quand je fais une nouvelle chose
qui est difficile à faire.
Je veux arrêter, c'est vrai;
mais je dois persévérer!
Je peux le faire si je le veux!

J'essaie d'attraper mon ballon
mais ça me frappe sur le front.
Mon ballon tombe sur mes pieds.
Je me sens tellement frustré!
N'abandonne pas, n'arrête jamais!

Sur ma nouvelle bicyclette,
j'ai peur que je vais tomber.
Je veux beaucoup pédaler!
Je ne sais pas comment rouler!
Bientôt j'y arriverais!Ouais!

Je veux lire Harry Potter
mais le livre est si long.
Les mots sont nouveaux et grands.
Il n'y a rien que je comprends.
Faire les sons!
Persévérer et je le ferais!

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