Tuesday 7 January 2014

Welcome back!

Dear families,

Welcome back to grade one French Immersion! I hope you all had a happy and relaxing winter break, and that you stayed warm! This week has had a slow start with an inclement weather day, but I suppose there's no harm in easing back into it :) Here are a few updates:

Show and Tell: 

To encourage authentic and interesting discussions within our class, we will be starting a scheduled show and tell time during our literacy block. The hope is to encourage our students to communicate for interaction now that we have build a good vocabulary with common phrases. You will receive a calendar where students will be given a few minutes to describe and answer questions about something special that they want to share with the class. Two students will have the spotlight each day - if you happen to forget or accidentally leave the special something at home on the day, we will of course find time to share the next day. I will be helping with French vocabulary, but please discuss with your child what he / she wants to say. They should be able to tell you some simple sentences or describing words in French!

Gregg Larock: 

Myself and our core French teacher at Central have organized a trip to see Gregg Larock, a fantastic French music performer. More information and permission forms will follow shortly, but the date is March 26th and we will be traveling by bus to Hamilton with a grade 6 core French class. We are very excited!

Shoe Boxes: 

If you happen to have any empty shoe boxes around your homes that are just taking up space, feel free to send them to school with your child! We will be building math "toolboxes" as soon as we have rounded up one shoe box for each student.


Mlle Toms

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