Monday 16 December 2013

le 16-19 décembre

Bonjour les familles,

This week we will not be having our regular poem of the week or spelling words as we have a shortened week and various activities going on in our class / school. 

Primary Concert: 
We hope to see you at either our afternoon performance on Tuesday, December 17th at 2:00pm or our evening show, starting at 6:30pm. We are asking students to wear a hat and scarf as their costume, as well as a white shirt and blue pants / jeans, if possible. 

Spirit Day:
On Wednesday, December 18th there will be a spirit day at Central. Students are encouraged to wear green and red, or Christmas themed clothes if you celebrate the holiday. Enjoy!

Colour Nest Assembly: 
Please have your child wear his / her colour t-shirt to school on Thursday, December 19th as we will be having an assembly and sing-a-long in the morning.

Class Party:
On Thursday, December 19th we will be having a class party to celebrate the winter holidays. If you would like to send in a treat for your child or for the class, please feel free to do so. We do not have any students in our class that have allergies, but we still ask that you do not send in any treats that contain nuts as students in other classrooms do sometimes come in for reading buddies and other activities. 


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