Monday 2 June 2014

Les mathématiques à la maison: June 2nd to 6th

Board games

Sometimes students are reluctant to practice their math skills at home, especially when they're tired from a long day or after extra-curriculars. Board games are a great way to spend some quality time together as a family, and masking some valuable math skills with fun! I have posted about Yahtzee on here before, but there are a variety of games that reinforce math concepts as you play ( including Monopoly, Life, and any game that requires the addition of two dice ). This week we have been working on a critical thinking challenge of creating our own board games, which we will show and play with our grade one friends in other classes. Students had to choose a theme that they thought other children would find fun, there needed to be a few challenges to keep the game interesting, and there needed to be a math component ( addition of two dice, skip counting, etc. ). Below are some photos of our works in progress.

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