Monday 16 December 2013

le 16-19 décembre

Bonjour les familles,

This week we will not be having our regular poem of the week or spelling words as we have a shortened week and various activities going on in our class / school. 

Primary Concert: 
We hope to see you at either our afternoon performance on Tuesday, December 17th at 2:00pm or our evening show, starting at 6:30pm. We are asking students to wear a hat and scarf as their costume, as well as a white shirt and blue pants / jeans, if possible. 

Spirit Day:
On Wednesday, December 18th there will be a spirit day at Central. Students are encouraged to wear green and red, or Christmas themed clothes if you celebrate the holiday. Enjoy!

Colour Nest Assembly: 
Please have your child wear his / her colour t-shirt to school on Thursday, December 19th as we will be having an assembly and sing-a-long in the morning.

Class Party:
On Thursday, December 19th we will be having a class party to celebrate the winter holidays. If you would like to send in a treat for your child or for the class, please feel free to do so. We do not have any students in our class that have allergies, but we still ask that you do not send in any treats that contain nuts as students in other classrooms do sometimes come in for reading buddies and other activities. 


Sunday 8 December 2013

Maybe a translation would help....

I'm just realizing now that I wrote out our At-Home reading in French to go along with the video ( it's late....)

Swimming in the Snow

When I have a frozen nose,
I go back inside my house.

Winter, I swim,
I jump, I fly
Winter, I swim in the snowflakes.

Winter, I swim,
I jump, I fly
Winter, I jump in the white.

Winter, I swim,
I jump, I fly
Winter, I fly in the wind.

La lecture à la maison: Nager dans la neige

Nager dans la neige

Quand j'ai le nez gelé
Je rentre à la maison

L'hiver, je nage
Je saute, je vole
L'hiver, je nage dans les flocons

L'hiver, je nage,
Je saute, je vole
L'hiver, je saute dans le blanc

L'hiver, je nage
Je saute, je vole
L'hiver, je vole dans le vent

Les mots de la dictée: December 9th to 13th

moi ( me ) 
toi ( you ) 
fois ( time, ex. chaque fois = each time ) 
bois ( wood ) 
boire ( to drink )

Les mathématiques à la maison: December 9th to 13th

Measurement Continued

This week we will be wrapping up measurement by looking at capacity and mass. If you have a scale at home, bring it out and take some time to weigh various objects around your house. Pick one object as a starting point and see if your child can find another object around the house that has a similar mass. If you do not have a scale at home, see if you can find some time to examine one at the grocery store and test it out!

Winter Concert

It's hard to believe that there is only 9 more days before the winter break! Our dress rehearsal for our winter concert is this Friday, December 13th so if you have some time at home, please continue to practice Vive le Vent ( video from previous week ) as well as Winter Wonderland as we will be singing it as a finale with the entire primary division. The other three songs that we will be singing will be in French which we will continue to practice this week in school. Thank you!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Les mots de la dictée: December 2nd to 6th

nous ( we )
vous ( you )
loup ( wolf )
tout ( all )
toute ( all, feminine )

La lecture à la maison: C`est l`hiver!

It`s winter!

It`s winter,
all is white.
The snow falls,
on my house.

It`s winter,
all is white.
The snow falls,
in the fields.

Les mathématiques à la maison: December 2nd to 6th


Recently our class has been looking at measurement, with a focus on non-standard units of measurement. Students participated in an activity that asked them to measure a friend, using anything they would like that could be found in the classroom. A few valuable lessons were learned, such as selecting tools that are all the same size and not leaving any spaces between the tools that you have chosen to measure with. Here is a video from PBS kids that relates to the activity from last week, see if you can find a non-standard unit of measurement around your house to measure a family member!

Winter Concert

Winter Concert

If you haven't had a chance to look at our monthly calendar that was sent home, our primary winter concert is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17th. We will be practicing these songs in class, but here is one of them with lyrics that can be found on Youtube ( feel free to practice at home! ).

Sunday 24 November 2013

Youtube video - Days of the Week

Les mathématiques à la maison: November 25th to 29th

Everyday Math

Our restaurant project has provided some very rich opportunities to look at math on an everyday level. One part of it had us looking at the cost of purchasing the items that we will be serving to other students. We measured and figured out how many glasses of juice we could get out of a carton, we looked at our data to determine how many students will be having apple juice and how many will be having hot chocolate, and then determined how much of each drink we will have to purchase.

We have not started our money unit in our classroom, but discussions about money at home are very beneficial. If you happen to have flyers like the ones below delivered to your house, open them up with your child and compare the prices of various stores. If you collect spare change in a jar, empty some of it out onto a table and count out the price of an item in the flyer. 

Les mots de la dictée: November 25th to 29th

ou ( or )
où ( where )
cou ( neck ) 
ours ( bear )
pour ( for )

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Youtube video - Un gros nez

At Home Reading in English / Cafe

At Home Reading ( English ) 

A few parents have expressed interests in obtaining leveled reading books in English for at home use. I am currently printing off copies from an online source titled A-Z reading as there are not many copies available in English - if you are interested in these and have not mentioned it to me, just leave a note in your child's agenda and I will send them home as soon as I have finished printing. Please do not feel pressure to use these leveled reading books ( especially if your child is a frequent reader at home ).


Some of you may have heard from your child that we are preparing to turn our classroom into a "cafe" for a day next week. The purpose of this project is to create an authentic environment where the students will practice French vocabulary ( based on some of their interests in playing restaurant ). Our classroom will become a cafe on Wednesday, November 27th. On this day, if your child could wear a nice shirt, pants or dress, it would give a nice added touch! If you happen to have any paper plates / napkins / paper cups that you would be able to donate, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Any old aprons that are around your house that we could borrow for the day would be fantastic as well! 

Technology malfunction!

Dear Families,

I appreciate your patience as I try to work out some issues with my video recording device in my laptop, technology can be both a blessing and a nuisance sometimes!

Our words of the week are as follows:

vert ( green, masculine form )
verte ( green, feminine form )
grand ( big, masculine form )
grande ( big, feminine form )

This week we are looking for the difference in pronunciation and spelling of masculine / feminine  agreements in the French language - sorry there are no videos as of right now to model, but ask your child to tell you the difference between the two ( they should be able to say the difference! ).

Sunday 10 November 2013

Les mathématiques à la maison: November 11th to 14th

In math this week, we will continue to look at addition and various strategies that we can use to solve more complex addition sums.

In conjunction with our poem of the week, we will put a small focus on positional language in French. We will become familiar with these terms and appropriate usage through songs and activities. At the end of the week, test your child's knowledge together through play. If they have a favourite lego piece, barbie, stuffed animal, place that object in various positions and ask your child to say its position ( en français! ). Take turns to see if they can help you determine the correct French word!

Youtube video - Les prépositions

Les mots de la dictée: November 11th to 14th

fin ( end, "the end" )
main ( hand )
pain ( bread ) 
lapin ( rabbit )

La lecture à la maison: Le Boogie-Woogie

The Boogie-Woogie
I put the hand in front,
I put the hand behind,
I put the hand in front,
I turn around. 
I dance the Boogie-Woogie,
I turn around
and I clap my hands. 

I put the food in front....
I put the head in front....
I put the knee in front.....
I put the elbow in front.....
I put the arm in front.....
I put the leg in front.....

Monday 4 November 2013

Les mathématiques à la maison: November 4th to 8th

This week we have started to look at simple addition stories, and the strategies we can use to solve addition problems. We will be working on addition through games, smartboard activities, word problems and pencil-to-paper work.

Impromptu math questioning and discussions are very effective. Simple activities, such as sorting everyone's shoes in the front hallway and adding them together to see how many shoes there are in total, are great ways of integrating math questions into daily life.

A website that we have been using as a warm up to our math lesson is Fun for the Brain; there are a variety of games that involve addition and other areas of math. Click on the text below to be directed to this website.

Fun for the Brain

Another at home resource that we have been exploring during class is Dreambox. Central Public School has purchased access to this website in the hopes that students may access at it home to reinforce some of the learning that has been going on during school. You may access Dreambox Learning through the Central Public School homepage, you will find a link to it on the right hand side.

Dreambox Learning

Youtube video: Ma communauté

Here is a song with some examples of things you would see in a community ( we will be looking at a variety of communities in social studies starting this week ).

Les mots de la dictée: November 4th to November 8th

il ( he )
lui ( him )
dis ( to say, Je dis = I say )
fini ( finished, J'ai fini = I am finished )
merci ( thank you )

La lecture à la maison: Le jour des Souvenirs

Remembrance Day

November 11th, 
It's today. 
We say to soldiers, 
A big thank you. 

We like wearing, 
On the jacket,
A pretty flower, 
 It is a poppy. 

Sunday 27 October 2013

October 27th to November 1st

Dear families, 

This week is a very busy one for our class and Central School. At Central this week, we have a Celebration Assembly on Tuesday, a Bullying presentation on Wednesday, followed by our walking trip to the Library on the same day, and of course, Halloween activities on Thursday. As a result, we will not be having our regular 5 words of the week or poem of the week. We will resume next week with our spelling words and poem, so enjoy the week off :)

Parent-Teacher Interviews: 

On Monday, November 4th our school will be having Parent-Teacher Interviews. If Monday does not work for you, please let me know and we will find a date that is more suitable.

Library Books: 

Rather than waiting for our scheduled library time to do a book exchange, your child may bring their library books back as soon as they are finished with them and will be provided with the chance to take out new ones each Tuesday and Thursday. I am involved in the Homework Club which is located on these days in the library at nutrition breaks, so I will be available to assist them in signing books out.

Merci :)

Monday 14 October 2013

Youtube video - L'automne est arrivé ( MiniTFO

Les mathématiques à la maison: October 14th to 18th

This week we will continue exploring various components of the Numeracy strand in math. We will continue to work on skip counting, couting by 2s, 5s and 10s. If you have time after dinner one night, go for a walk up one side of your street with your child and count the numbers on the houses ( of course, it's preferable if the houses are numbered as low as possible! ). Walk back on the opposite side of the street and discuss the house numbers on that side of the street, try skip counting along with the house numbers.

We will also be discussing numbers that come before ( avant ) and after ( après ). Find a book that has numbered pages. Open the book to a random page. Ask them to say what page number they have opened to, what number is before that one, and what number comes after it. Have your child open the book to another random page and give the same information to them.

For a challenge, open to a random page number and ask your child to start counting by 2s ( 5s? 10s? ) from that page number.

Les mots de la dictée: October 14th to 18th

est ( is )
c'est ( it is )
les  ( the, plural form )
mes ( my, plural )

La lecture à la maison: C'est l'automne!

It's autumn, it's autumn,
The leaves fly, the leaves fly
The small ones and the large ones, the small ones the large ones,
In the wind, in the wind.

Monday 7 October 2013

Les jours de la semaine - Youtube video

Les mathématiques à la maison: October 7th to 10th

In class we have moved from patterning and sorting to various components of numeracy. This week we are practicing counting by 5s and 10s, and we are looking at "plus que, moins que, égal" ( more than, less than, equal ).

If you have a deck of cards at home, the game of "War" is an easy way to practice their knowledge of greater than / less than / equal. Divide the cards equally among players, keep the cards face down. Count "un, deux, trois" and each player flips their top card over. The player with the highest number wins the pile of cards. If two cards of equal value are flipped at the same time, each player must place three cards face down and flip the fourth. The player with the highest card wins both piles. The player who collects all of the cards wins. You can assign different values to Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces ( ex. Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13, Ace = 1 ). .

math war card game for kids

La lecture à la maison:Attention!

Attention! Attention! 
Amanda and dad go in an airplane, visit Canada. 

Les mots de la dictée: October 7th to 10th

bas ( stocking )
bras ( arm )
papa ( father, dad )
avion ( airplane )

Sunday 6 October 2013

Apologies for the delay!

Dear families,

I will be updating our blog tomorrow night, with our regular videos. Last week I was unexpectedly absent from school for three days so there will be a slight delay. Thank you for understanding!

Mlle Toms

Monday 30 September 2013

Les lunettes de soleil par Gregg Larock - Youtube video

Les mots de la dictée: September 30th to October 4th

mot ( word )
dos ( back )
auto ( car )
eau ( water )

*We have four words this week instead of five as Scientist in the Classroom took up Monday entirely and we did not have time to introduce our new words.

La lecture à la maison: Sur le dos

Sur le dos

A hat on my back, I go to Toto's to buy a car.

A hat on my back, I go to Jojo's to buy a boat.

A hat on my back, I go to Paulo's to buy a bicycle.

A hat on my back, I go to Mado's to buy a present.

A car, a boat, a bicycle, a present on my back.

It's high!

Sunday 22 September 2013

Mon sac à dos - Youtube video by Gregg Larock

Les mathématiques à la maison: September

Math at Home

We will be finishing up our patterning unit shortly, but this week we will look at sorting and classifying objects, following a rule.

Take a few minutes to look around your house for examples of household items that are organized in a certain way ( cutlery in the utensil drawer? drawers of socks, t-shirts, pants? fruits, vegetables, meats in the fridge? ). Talk to your child about why people may organize their things like this - is it easy to find things when you want them?

Pick a few items in your house that you can organize ( or re-organize ) with your child, picking a rule to follow.

Example: If you have a collection of movies or DVDs, pick a way to sort them into various piles or rows ( such as movies for kids and movies for adults, or cartoon films and live-action films ).

La lecture à la maison: Turlututu

Where are you going, Turlututu?
Where are you going, happy turtle?

"Tututu" in the street.
"Tututu" on the mooon.
"Tututut" in a rocket ship.

Where are you, Turlututu, happy turtle?

Les mots de la dictée: September 23rd to September 27th

tu ( you )
sur ( on )
rue ( street )
lune ( moon )
tortue ( turtle )

Sunday 15 September 2013

Open House Reminder

Bonjour! Just a reminder that Wednesday, September 18th at 4pm-6m is our Open House. I will be there for the entire two hours and it would be lovely to see you there! Merci :)

**In our Math at Home section, I suggested "sharing" the snack pattern that you have created at school. Just to clarify, I don't mean sharing the food with our classmates, just showing off the pattern you have created! Sorry for any confusion. 

Youtube video of colours in French

Les mathématiques à la maison: September 16th to 20th

Math at Home

As we continue our patterning unit, try to create some patterns of your own with your child. You could use:

- stuffed animals
- toy cars
- buttons
- cutlery

What characteristics are you using? Colour? Size?

If you have time to get creative in the kitchen, find a few toothpicks or barbeque skewers. Choose a few different types of healthy snacks ( cheese, fruit, vegetables, etc. ) and create patterns on the skewers. Feel free to send them in your child's lunch to share at school!

Les mots de la dictée: September 16th to September 20th

si ( if )
ami ( friend that is male )
lit ( bed )
midi ( midday )
joli ( nice, lovely )

La lecture à la maison: Rikiki la souris

Rikiki, the mouse, eats rice at midday.
Mimi, his friend, eats a cookie in her bed.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Youtube video of the alphabet in French

French alphabet

Les mathématiques à la maison: September 9th to 13th

Math at home

During math in our class this week, we will be looking at recognizing and creating repeating patterns of one attribute ( colour, shape, size, etc ).

Go on a hunt for patterns in your house. Look through each room and see if you can spot any patterns - in the wall paper in the bedrooms? The tile in the washroom? On your plates when having dinner? Maybe on a carpet in your living room?

Discuss these patterns - what makes it a pattern?  Does it repeat? Do you like the way they look? Are they easy to spot or complicated? Do you think they are more interesting than other designs?


Les mots de la dictée: September 9th to September 13th

je ( I )
le ( the, masculin form )
de ( from )
me ( personal pronoun, me ) 
petit ( little )

La lecture à la maison: Le cheval Marquise

Marquise the horse
Look, look the little horse.
Little horse, little horse, who are you?
I am Marquise.
Little horse, little horse, where are you?
I'm at Denise's house.
Little horse, little horse, what are you doing?
I'm eating a cherry.
Little horse, little horse, what are you wearing?
I'm wearing a shirt.
Little horse, you are lovely!

Monday 2 September 2013

La lecture à la maison: Mon chat

My cat
I have a cat, a little cat.
He loves rats, chocolate but not my stockings!

Les mots de la dictée: September 3rd to September 6th

la ( the, feminine )
ma ( my, feminine )
ta ( your, feminine )
sa ( his / her ) 
rat ( rat )