Sunday 27 October 2013

October 27th to November 1st

Dear families, 

This week is a very busy one for our class and Central School. At Central this week, we have a Celebration Assembly on Tuesday, a Bullying presentation on Wednesday, followed by our walking trip to the Library on the same day, and of course, Halloween activities on Thursday. As a result, we will not be having our regular 5 words of the week or poem of the week. We will resume next week with our spelling words and poem, so enjoy the week off :)

Parent-Teacher Interviews: 

On Monday, November 4th our school will be having Parent-Teacher Interviews. If Monday does not work for you, please let me know and we will find a date that is more suitable.

Library Books: 

Rather than waiting for our scheduled library time to do a book exchange, your child may bring their library books back as soon as they are finished with them and will be provided with the chance to take out new ones each Tuesday and Thursday. I am involved in the Homework Club which is located on these days in the library at nutrition breaks, so I will be available to assist them in signing books out.

Merci :)

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