Sunday 22 September 2013

Les mathématiques à la maison: September

Math at Home

We will be finishing up our patterning unit shortly, but this week we will look at sorting and classifying objects, following a rule.

Take a few minutes to look around your house for examples of household items that are organized in a certain way ( cutlery in the utensil drawer? drawers of socks, t-shirts, pants? fruits, vegetables, meats in the fridge? ). Talk to your child about why people may organize their things like this - is it easy to find things when you want them?

Pick a few items in your house that you can organize ( or re-organize ) with your child, picking a rule to follow.

Example: If you have a collection of movies or DVDs, pick a way to sort them into various piles or rows ( such as movies for kids and movies for adults, or cartoon films and live-action films ).

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