Tuesday 19 November 2013

At Home Reading in English / Cafe

At Home Reading ( English ) 

A few parents have expressed interests in obtaining leveled reading books in English for at home use. I am currently printing off copies from an online source titled A-Z reading as there are not many copies available in English - if you are interested in these and have not mentioned it to me, just leave a note in your child's agenda and I will send them home as soon as I have finished printing. Please do not feel pressure to use these leveled reading books ( especially if your child is a frequent reader at home ).


Some of you may have heard from your child that we are preparing to turn our classroom into a "cafe" for a day next week. The purpose of this project is to create an authentic environment where the students will practice French vocabulary ( based on some of their interests in playing restaurant ). Our classroom will become a cafe on Wednesday, November 27th. On this day, if your child could wear a nice shirt, pants or dress, it would give a nice added touch! If you happen to have any paper plates / napkins / paper cups that you would be able to donate, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Any old aprons that are around your house that we could borrow for the day would be fantastic as well! 

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