Monday 31 March 2014

Pajama Day!

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is Pajama Day tomorrow at Central!

Today's presentation at our Colour Assembly was fantastic, our class did a great job with their chant. Thank you for all your support at home, it is greatly appreciated :)

High Frequency Words - Can you read them before me?

Bonjour mes amis!

For our at home reading, some students have been given lists of high frequency words ( words that we see often in text ) to practice. Here is a video of 8 words that we read quite often, can you read them before I say them? I will give about 4 seconds in between words, see if you can beat me!

Merci :)

Mlle Toms

Sunday 30 March 2014

Youtube video - La Persévérance par Gregg Lerock

Colour Assembly

Monday, March 31st is our Colour Assembly where our class with present our perseverance chant that we have been practicing for the past couple weeks. Please have your child wear their colour t-shirt for the assembly. Here is a song that fits our character trait for this month perfectly, and it just happens to be a class favourite! Enjoy :)

Les mots de la dictée: March 31st to April 4th

ciel ( the sky ) 
lieu ( place, spot )
chien ( dog )
rien ( nothing )
de rien ( you're welcome )

Sunday 23 March 2014

Les imperméables - Our Raincoat Challenge

To finish off our Structures and Materials unit in Science, students in our class were giving the challenge of selecting an appropriate material and attachment to create a raincoat for a stuffed animal. This was a task that fit well with the focus character trait for this month at Central, perseverance, as many students experienced some frustration when they were constructing their raincoats. The following day, we tested the raincoats to see if they absorbed or repelled water. It was an engaging critical thinking challenge that brought our unit to a close! This week we will move into our Understanding Life Systems strand.

The photos below:
1) Some of materials and attachments that students chose from
2) and 3) Constructing the raincoats
4) Testing!


Les mots de la dictée: March 24th to 28th

bien ( well, properly ) 
mien ( mine ) 
tien ( yours ) 
miel ( honey ) 
mieux ( the best )

Les mathématiques à la maison: March 24th to 28th

Continuing with Money  

Last week in math, we focused on recognizing Canadian coins, their values, and counting groups of the same coin ( 3 nickels, 6 dimes, etc. ). This week we will be looking at making specific amounts of money with various combinations of coins. At home, line up a set of coins like this and ask your child a few questions to help them review what we have learned. Questions could include:

- Where is the quarter?
- Which coin is worth 10 cents?
- Can you organize the coins in a line beginning with the greatest value to the smallest?

Colour Assembly: La persévérance chant

At the end of each month, Central has been having Colour Assemblies, where a few classes come together to perform some type of presentation about the character trait that is of focus for that month. At the end of March, our class, alongside Mme Farquhar's and Mme Stieva's grade one classes, will be presenting a chant that we have created about la persévérance ( perseverance ). We have had a class discussion about what it means to persevere and we have shared times when we were faced with a difficult challenge and did not give up! Below is the chant that we will be performing in front of the school; the second section is the one that our class will be leading. We will be practicing at school and I will send home hard copies as well. Please have your child try and practice our section at home when you have a few minutes to spare. Merci!

Quand je fais une nouvelle chose
qui est difficile à faire.
Je veux arrêter, c'est vrai;
mais je dois persévérer!
Je peux le faire si je le veux!

J'essaie d'attraper mon ballon
mais ça me frappe sur le front.
Mon ballon tombe sur mes pieds.
Je me sens tellement frustré!
N'abandonne pas, n'arrête jamais!

Sur ma nouvelle bicyclette,
j'ai peur que je vais tomber.
Je veux beaucoup pédaler!
Je ne sais pas comment rouler!
Bientôt j'y arriverais!Ouais!

Je veux lire Harry Potter
mais le livre est si long.
Les mots sont nouveaux et grands.
Il n'y a rien que je comprends.
Faire les sons!
Persévérer et je le ferais!

Monday 17 March 2014

J'ai perdu mon chat

The week before March break we did a read aloud titled "J'ai perdu mon chat". The little boy in the story has lost his cat and his friends try to help him find it, going on the description he has given them. His friends keep finding animals that fit the description he has given, but they are not his cat! We looked at vocabulary we were familiar with and vocabulary we were unsure of, sequencing of the events in the story, wrote a missing poster for an animal of our choice, and finally wrote our own version of "Ja'i perdu mon chat"! Our missing posters are hanging proudly in our hallway and the books we created will be sent home to share soon, once we have reviewed the feedback; the stars ( what we did well ) and the steps ( what our next step will be to improve our writing ). Have your child read their story to you when it is sent home!

J'ai perdu mon chat - sequencing activity 

Les mathématiques à la maison: March 17th to 21st


This week we will start looking at Canadian coins and their values. Most students have some experience playing with money or handling it, but not many are aware of the values of each coin. We have used the 100s chart and the base 10 model since September, so counting in groups of 10 and 5 should be something students are comfortable doing. If you have some change around the house, spread it out on a table and sort it into similar groups. Review how much each coin is worth and count by 5s and 10s with nickels and dimes. Quarters tend to pose more problems for younger children, so practice counting by 25s and making $1.00 in change. Merci!

Les mots de la dictée: March 17th to 21st

temps ( time )
champs ( field )
printemps ( spring, the season ) 

Sunday 2 March 2014

Les mathématiques à la maison: March 3rd to 6th

Recently, a few students asked about having a seating change. We decided to turn this suggestion into a math activity, involving some geometry, positional language, the decomposition of 16 ( the number of students we have in our class ) and mapping! Below are some photos of how students planned their  layouts using tiles, and how we came together as a group to look at all of the different classroom setups. Have your child map out their bedroom, including their door, window and pieces of furniture. See if they can re-organize their room ( on paper! ) in a different way. We discussed why the desks in our class couldn't be placed in front of the door, facing a wall, etc. so hopefully they can show the same rationale when planning at home. Enjoy!

Saturday 1 March 2014

La Mer by Charles Trenet

La Mer is a classic song written ( and performed ) by French composer, Charles Trenet. The song was released in 1946. We listened to this song on Friday and tried to pick out instruments and words we recognized, while visualizing ourselves by the sea. It was a big hit! Here is a video of a live performance by Charles Trenet. It is a big different from videos that are normally posted on our blog, but enjoy!