Monday 26 May 2014

Youtube video - Matt le Magnifique, par Sylvia Duckworth

Museum Trip, African Lion Safari and Poetry Share

It's hard to believe that it's the last week of May! This time of year is always busy, so here are a few dates to keep in mind:

Wednesday, May 28th - First trip to the Grimsby Museum. 
We will leave by 9:15am and return at 11:15am. Here's hoping for some more beautiful weather as we are walking!

Friday, May 30th - Poetry Share
Our class has been working so hard at memorizing their poems and adding in actions and different voices, it is so impressive to see! We would love to see you there if you are available. Poems will begin bright and early at 9:00am.

Thursday, June 12th - End of the year trip to African Lion Safari
More information will be coming shortly on this trip, but we have confirmed the date. As of right now we are not sure of the number of volunteers that are needed.

Merci :)

Les mathématiques à la maison: May 26th to 30th


In mathematics, we have started to explore the concept of area. Students selected an area to measure, and whatever tool they wanted to use ( varying from Pokemon cards to popsicle sticks! ). We have discussed the importance of estimating and making logical guesses. If you have a coffee table, desk, tile flooring, etc. ask your child to measure the area with a non-standard unit of measurement that you can find around the house ( coasters, playing cards, to name a few ). Make sure you both estimate ahead of time, see who is the closest! Merci :)

Les mots de la dictée: May 26th to 30th

qui ( who )
que ( that, than )
quoi ( what )
quel ( which, masculine )
quelle ( which, feminine )

Monday 19 May 2014

La poésie: Poetry Share, **Date Changed**

Dear families,

Due to some scheduling conflicts with the other grade one French Immersion classes, we have had to change the date of our poetry share to Friday, May 30th at 9:00am. At the moment, we have booked the library for some extra room, but if any other groups require the library that morning, we will shift to our classroom. I was amazed at how well some of our classmates had already memorized their poems and actions, thank you for the support at home! This week, we will continue to practice our poems in our groups. Merci :)

Les mathématiques à la maison: Dreambox Competition


Mr. Digweed, our vice Principal, has started a school-wide Dreambox competition to encourage student use of the program, both at school and at home. The class with the most logged hours ( the program calculates the time each student has spent playing every time they log in ) will be given an ice cream party to celebrate. If you have access to a compute or iPad, please encourage your child to use Dreambox and help us win that sweet treat! If you are having trouble accessing Dreambox at home, please follow the link that is provided on our Central Public School homepage. Any further issues, please contact me. Merci!


Sunday 11 May 2014

La poésie: Poetry Share, Wednesday, May 21st

On Wednesday, May 21st, the grade one French Immersion classes will be hosting a poetry share ( at a location in our school, yet to be determined ). Students will perform short, rehearsed poems to other students and parents, beginning at 9:00am. Your child will bring home a poem for their at-home reading this week, we will practice correct pronunciation and oral communication skills ( volume, clarity, expression etc. ) in class but please ask your child to read / present their poem to you at home. More information will come later on in the week regarding details of the poetry share, but please keep the date and time in mind as we know our classes would love to perform in front of any parents / grandparents / family members!

Merci :)

Youtube video - Let It Go ( en français )

Enjoy :) 

Les mots de la dictée: May 12th to 16th

achat ( a purchase )
vache ( a cow ) 
tâche ( a chore, a job )
fâché ( angry )
cacher ( to hide )

Saturday 10 May 2014

Le marché aux puces - merci!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful donations and support with our "marché aux puces" last week, it was a great success! Here are a few photos:

1) We took time to label our items, deciding upon appropriate costs.
2) We re-structured our class and laid out our items to sell! All three other grade one French Immersion classes visited and we practiced our oral communication for interaction.
3) After all classes visited, we sorted our coins into groups

 4) We then sorted the coins into groups of $1.00. We had a great discussion of how to make $1.00 with pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.
 5) We then added up the coins and the total amount of money we raised. As you can see, we raised more than enough to adopt our polar bear! We will be voting as a class next week about what we want to do with the leftover money - there were some very touching ideas that were put forward, including adopting another animal, donating it to a charity and having a class celebration at the end of the year!

Saturday 3 May 2014

Patrick and Friends - Youtube video

Just a bit of fun - Youtube video

Enjoy the talent of this man, singing the most popular Disney song of the year! 

Les mathématiques: le marché aux puces

On Friday, May 9th our classroom will transform into a "marché aux puces", which translates to flea market! We are going for a cross-curricular afternoon of fun, incorporating mathematics and literacy, focusing on our oral communication, writing, and our application of knowledge of Canadian coins. Our goal is to raise $25 so our class can "adopt" a polar bear, an initiative we decided upon during our Earth Day activities.

Each student will be asked to bring in 5 to 10 small items to class that they are happy to donate. Some items that students have brought in the past:
* McDonalds happy meal toys and other figurines
* bouncy balls, toy cars, old books
* homemade bracelets, crafts, stickers

Each student will be asked to label their item with an appropriate price ( $1 or less, keep this in mind for items to bring in! ). Students from the other grade one classes will be given a chance to come into our class and purchase these items; our students will be asked to make correct change if necessary! If your child could bring in extra change that would be very helpful, but I do have a jar of my own that I am happy to get rid of :)

If you do not have any items that you would like to donate, your child will still participate in the fun as we will have a lemonade stand that they can be in charge of, where they will still be asked to communicate in French and make change.

You can help your child prepare by practicing making change at home, starting with nickels and dimes.

We are looking forward to this fun day, thank you for all your support!

Les mots de la dictée: May 5th to 9th

neuf ( nine, the number )
oeuf ( egg )
coeur ( heart ) 
soeur ( sister ) 
seule ( only )