Tuesday 3 June 2014

Quick reminder!

On Thursday, June 5th, we will be visiting Mme Farquhar's class "marché aux puces", so if you have some loose change to send along with your child, it would be greatly appreciated. Merci!

Les mots de la dictée: June 2nd to 6th

mois ( month ) 
juin ( June )
soleil ( sun )
jouer ( to play ) 
nager ( to swim ) 

**Technology has been against me as of recent and I can't seem to upload the videos I have taken of our spelling words, I apologize!**

Monday 2 June 2014

At Home Reading - Les trois petits cochons

Our at home reading this week is a script for the play Les trois petits cochons ( The Three Little Pigs ). Each student was randomly assigned a role to practice at home, but please feel free to read other parts of the script as well! We will be making masks, backgrounds, and working on the use of voices, actions, and tableau as we work on these plays throughout the week. Here is a video of Les trois petits cochons that we watched today - ask your child to tell you some of the differences / similarities that we discussed in class!

Les mathématiques à la maison: June 2nd to 6th

Board games

Sometimes students are reluctant to practice their math skills at home, especially when they're tired from a long day or after extra-curriculars. Board games are a great way to spend some quality time together as a family, and masking some valuable math skills with fun! I have posted about Yahtzee on here before, but there are a variety of games that reinforce math concepts as you play ( including Monopoly, Life, and any game that requires the addition of two dice ). This week we have been working on a critical thinking challenge of creating our own board games, which we will show and play with our grade one friends in other classes. Students had to choose a theme that they thought other children would find fun, there needed to be a few challenges to keep the game interesting, and there needed to be a math component ( addition of two dice, skip counting, etc. ). Below are some photos of our works in progress.

Youtube video - Matt le Magnifique, par Sylvia Duckworth