Sunday 27 October 2013

October 27th to November 1st

Dear families, 

This week is a very busy one for our class and Central School. At Central this week, we have a Celebration Assembly on Tuesday, a Bullying presentation on Wednesday, followed by our walking trip to the Library on the same day, and of course, Halloween activities on Thursday. As a result, we will not be having our regular 5 words of the week or poem of the week. We will resume next week with our spelling words and poem, so enjoy the week off :)

Parent-Teacher Interviews: 

On Monday, November 4th our school will be having Parent-Teacher Interviews. If Monday does not work for you, please let me know and we will find a date that is more suitable.

Library Books: 

Rather than waiting for our scheduled library time to do a book exchange, your child may bring their library books back as soon as they are finished with them and will be provided with the chance to take out new ones each Tuesday and Thursday. I am involved in the Homework Club which is located on these days in the library at nutrition breaks, so I will be available to assist them in signing books out.

Merci :)

Monday 14 October 2013

Youtube video - L'automne est arrivé ( MiniTFO

Les mathématiques à la maison: October 14th to 18th

This week we will continue exploring various components of the Numeracy strand in math. We will continue to work on skip counting, couting by 2s, 5s and 10s. If you have time after dinner one night, go for a walk up one side of your street with your child and count the numbers on the houses ( of course, it's preferable if the houses are numbered as low as possible! ). Walk back on the opposite side of the street and discuss the house numbers on that side of the street, try skip counting along with the house numbers.

We will also be discussing numbers that come before ( avant ) and after ( après ). Find a book that has numbered pages. Open the book to a random page. Ask them to say what page number they have opened to, what number is before that one, and what number comes after it. Have your child open the book to another random page and give the same information to them.

For a challenge, open to a random page number and ask your child to start counting by 2s ( 5s? 10s? ) from that page number.

Les mots de la dictée: October 14th to 18th

est ( is )
c'est ( it is )
les  ( the, plural form )
mes ( my, plural )

La lecture à la maison: C'est l'automne!

It's autumn, it's autumn,
The leaves fly, the leaves fly
The small ones and the large ones, the small ones the large ones,
In the wind, in the wind.

Monday 7 October 2013

Les jours de la semaine - Youtube video

Les mathématiques à la maison: October 7th to 10th

In class we have moved from patterning and sorting to various components of numeracy. This week we are practicing counting by 5s and 10s, and we are looking at "plus que, moins que, égal" ( more than, less than, equal ).

If you have a deck of cards at home, the game of "War" is an easy way to practice their knowledge of greater than / less than / equal. Divide the cards equally among players, keep the cards face down. Count "un, deux, trois" and each player flips their top card over. The player with the highest number wins the pile of cards. If two cards of equal value are flipped at the same time, each player must place three cards face down and flip the fourth. The player with the highest card wins both piles. The player who collects all of the cards wins. You can assign different values to Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces ( ex. Jack = 11, Queen = 12, King = 13, Ace = 1 ). .

math war card game for kids

La lecture à la maison:Attention!

Attention! Attention! 
Amanda and dad go in an airplane, visit Canada. 

Les mots de la dictée: October 7th to 10th

bas ( stocking )
bras ( arm )
papa ( father, dad )
avion ( airplane )

Sunday 6 October 2013

Apologies for the delay!

Dear families,

I will be updating our blog tomorrow night, with our regular videos. Last week I was unexpectedly absent from school for three days so there will be a slight delay. Thank you for understanding!

Mlle Toms