Monday 30 September 2013

Les lunettes de soleil par Gregg Larock - Youtube video

Les mots de la dictée: September 30th to October 4th

mot ( word )
dos ( back )
auto ( car )
eau ( water )

*We have four words this week instead of five as Scientist in the Classroom took up Monday entirely and we did not have time to introduce our new words.

La lecture à la maison: Sur le dos

Sur le dos

A hat on my back, I go to Toto's to buy a car.

A hat on my back, I go to Jojo's to buy a boat.

A hat on my back, I go to Paulo's to buy a bicycle.

A hat on my back, I go to Mado's to buy a present.

A car, a boat, a bicycle, a present on my back.

It's high!

Sunday 22 September 2013

Mon sac à dos - Youtube video by Gregg Larock

Les mathématiques à la maison: September

Math at Home

We will be finishing up our patterning unit shortly, but this week we will look at sorting and classifying objects, following a rule.

Take a few minutes to look around your house for examples of household items that are organized in a certain way ( cutlery in the utensil drawer? drawers of socks, t-shirts, pants? fruits, vegetables, meats in the fridge? ). Talk to your child about why people may organize their things like this - is it easy to find things when you want them?

Pick a few items in your house that you can organize ( or re-organize ) with your child, picking a rule to follow.

Example: If you have a collection of movies or DVDs, pick a way to sort them into various piles or rows ( such as movies for kids and movies for adults, or cartoon films and live-action films ).

La lecture à la maison: Turlututu

Where are you going, Turlututu?
Where are you going, happy turtle?

"Tututu" in the street.
"Tututu" on the mooon.
"Tututut" in a rocket ship.

Where are you, Turlututu, happy turtle?

Les mots de la dictée: September 23rd to September 27th

tu ( you )
sur ( on )
rue ( street )
lune ( moon )
tortue ( turtle )

Sunday 15 September 2013

Open House Reminder

Bonjour! Just a reminder that Wednesday, September 18th at 4pm-6m is our Open House. I will be there for the entire two hours and it would be lovely to see you there! Merci :)

**In our Math at Home section, I suggested "sharing" the snack pattern that you have created at school. Just to clarify, I don't mean sharing the food with our classmates, just showing off the pattern you have created! Sorry for any confusion. 

Youtube video of colours in French

Les mathématiques à la maison: September 16th to 20th

Math at Home

As we continue our patterning unit, try to create some patterns of your own with your child. You could use:

- stuffed animals
- toy cars
- buttons
- cutlery

What characteristics are you using? Colour? Size?

If you have time to get creative in the kitchen, find a few toothpicks or barbeque skewers. Choose a few different types of healthy snacks ( cheese, fruit, vegetables, etc. ) and create patterns on the skewers. Feel free to send them in your child's lunch to share at school!

Les mots de la dictée: September 16th to September 20th

si ( if )
ami ( friend that is male )
lit ( bed )
midi ( midday )
joli ( nice, lovely )

La lecture à la maison: Rikiki la souris

Rikiki, the mouse, eats rice at midday.
Mimi, his friend, eats a cookie in her bed.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Youtube video of the alphabet in French

French alphabet

Les mathématiques à la maison: September 9th to 13th

Math at home

During math in our class this week, we will be looking at recognizing and creating repeating patterns of one attribute ( colour, shape, size, etc ).

Go on a hunt for patterns in your house. Look through each room and see if you can spot any patterns - in the wall paper in the bedrooms? The tile in the washroom? On your plates when having dinner? Maybe on a carpet in your living room?

Discuss these patterns - what makes it a pattern?  Does it repeat? Do you like the way they look? Are they easy to spot or complicated? Do you think they are more interesting than other designs?


Les mots de la dictée: September 9th to September 13th

je ( I )
le ( the, masculin form )
de ( from )
me ( personal pronoun, me ) 
petit ( little )

La lecture à la maison: Le cheval Marquise

Marquise the horse
Look, look the little horse.
Little horse, little horse, who are you?
I am Marquise.
Little horse, little horse, where are you?
I'm at Denise's house.
Little horse, little horse, what are you doing?
I'm eating a cherry.
Little horse, little horse, what are you wearing?
I'm wearing a shirt.
Little horse, you are lovely!

Monday 2 September 2013

La lecture à la maison: Mon chat

My cat
I have a cat, a little cat.
He loves rats, chocolate but not my stockings!

Les mots de la dictée: September 3rd to September 6th

la ( the, feminine )
ma ( my, feminine )
ta ( your, feminine )
sa ( his / her ) 
rat ( rat )